4 Facts About What Refugee Women Face

What Refugee Women Face

The amount of forcibly displaced people has reached a staggering number—nearly 100 million according to UNHCR—and the number only continues to increase.

Our world has experienced political, social and cultural upheaval unmatched by any other period in our history. New and continued conflicts compounded by the economic impacts of coronavirus is forcing hundreds of millions out of their homes and into a world without healthcare or social support systems.

Now with the war in Ukraine waging on, the number of people seeking refuge outside of their home countries or displaced within is higher than ever—and it’s women and girls who are suffering the most. Ethnic tensions, political strife, famine, climate change and terrorism continue to uproot lives.

As inequality gaps widen and displacement increases, it’s up to us to invest in providing the opportunities and services to support women refugees during this time and as they rebuild.

Women have the power to transform their own lives and our world, please support us to sponsor more from Women refugees.to make better life for Women.

4 Facts About What Refugee Women Face

1) 1 in 5 women refugees experience sexual violence.

Women refugees and internally displaced women suffer from marginalization, sexual and gender-based violence, and child marriage. Some experience sexual and gender-based violence as they flee conflict.

In camps or due to poverty, some women and girls may be kidnapped, trafficked, or forced into marriage. 9 out of 10 countries with the highest rates of child marriage in fragile contexts, long-ingrained gender norms pressure girls into vulnerable situations.

many women and girls with their abusers, domestic abuse saw a spike. And now we are seeing the number of women raped and sexually abused while internally displaced due to the war in Ukraine soar too.

2) Women and children make up most of the people forcibly displaced by renewed conflict in Syria.

There are 6.9 million people displaced within Syria. Nearly 70% of this population is women and children, now forced into surrounding areas, some in camps where resources are scarce and weather conditions harsh. In places like Syria, where women had been making advances in gender equality, disease and displacement threaten that progress.

3) 50 percent of refugees, internally displaced, or stateless populations are women and girls.

UNHCR reports that of the 100 million people who have been forced into displacement, over half are women and girls. Women are often the first responders when crisis hits, yet their voices are often left out of policies and that are designed to protect them. In addition to poverty and other issues that all refugees may face, women refugees have an added layer of oppression from gender discrimination.

4) Refugee women could generate and contribute $1.4 trillion to the annual global GDP.

Contrary to the myth that refugees are unskilled and uneducated, many of them have much to contribute. While some refugees might have never had the chance to gain formal education, many are highly educated and highly skilled.

Many refugees face barriers to inclusion in local economies, which makes finding stability for their families a challenge. Negative economic impacts related to coronavirus strictures have made finances harder. For women refugees, the barriers are even higher as gender discrimination closes doors or leads to lower pay. Yet if we invested in economic opportunities for women refugees, we could help close gaps in poverty, gender equality, and inclusive work – all while helping economies on a local and global scale.

Throughout the years, Women for Women International has been able to witness firsthand the dangers and obstacles faced by refugees. They have barely escaped war, and many refugee women face threats of gender-based sexual violence and early marriage in their pursuit of safety.

We invest in the power of women refugees to rebuild their lives, their families, and their communities. We have expanded our program to help more women forcibly displaced by conflict and connect them to life-changing resources, skills, knowledge, and connections.

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